Welcome to Ohio Barefoot Horse Trimming
There are many names and methods of the Natural Barefoot Trimming Method. To
what really matter is having a sound horse which translates into good
relationship your horse.
The statement No Hoof No Horse could not be truer. Without sound and
healthy hooves your horse will not benefit from a healthy life style in
which it is free to graze, run and just be a horse.
Many of the lameness issues start with the hooves. Without properly balanced
hooves problems such as over grown toes and high heel runs the danger of
becoming Tendon, Suspensory Ligament Damage Navicular Disease, Navicular Syndrome
and Laminitis.
Is the natural barefoot trimming right for you and your horse?
Does your horse suffer from…
Broken or chipped hooves
Navicular Disease
Navicular Syndrome
Caudal Heel pain
If any of those problems sound familiar, natural
barefoot trimming may be a solution.